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At Berardi Immigration Law, we take pride in helping our clients realize their entrepreneurial dreams in the United States. One such success story involves a visionary client who approached our firm with an innovative business idea: to develop and distribute natural, plant-based supplements and clean skincare products.

The Vision

Our client envisioned a company that would stand at the forefront of the health and wellness industry by offering high-quality, natural products. Their commitment to sustainability and clean living was the foundation of their business plan. With a clear vision, they were ready to invest and establish their company in the U.S.

The Journey Begins

To bring this vision to life, our client formed a company in the United States and made a significant initial investment. This investment covered a wide range of essential startup expenses, including:

  • Research and Development: Developing an innovative supplement collection that met the highest standards of quality and efficacy.
  • Initial Inventory: Stocking up on the first batch of products to ensure a successful launch.
  • Branding and Marketing: Creating a strong brand identity and marketing strategy to reach the target audience.
  • Subcontracting and Consulting: Engaging experts to ensure the business operated efficiently and complied with industry standards.
  • Legal Fees: Ensuring all legal aspects of the business formation and operation were meticulously handled.

The E-2 Visa Application

With the groundwork laid, our team prepared and submitted an E-2 visa application to the U.S. consulate in Toronto. The application detailed the client’s business plan, highlighting their long-term aspirations of achieving significant revenue growth and creating job opportunities for U.S. workers.

Key elements of the application included:

  • A comprehensive business plan outlining the company’s goals, market analysis, and financial and hiring projections.
  • Documentation of the initial investment and its allocation towards critical business operations.
  • Evidence of the company’s potential to contribute to the U.S. economy through job creation and economic growth.

The Interview & Approval

Our client attended an in-person visa interview at the U.S. consulate in Toronto, where they presented their case and articulated their commitment to their business vision. Thanks to thorough preparation and a compelling application, the client was issued a five-year E-2 visa.

Expanding Opportunities

In addition to securing the E-2 visa, our client’s U.S. company was registered as an E visa business in the Canada E visa program. This registration allows the U.S. company to sponsor additional Canadian citizens for E-2 visas, thereby expanding the business and creating even more opportunities for growth and success.

If you have a business vision and are considering the E-2 visa as a pathway, we are here to help you every step of the way.