Happy volunteer looking at donation box

Associate Attorney Zach Ahlstrom recently had two successful applications presented to Customs and Border Protection at the Peace Bridge port of entry located in Buffalo, New York. Both applications involved a unique caveat to the B-1 Business Visitor category, allowing the entry of individuals performing voluntary services for religious organizations.

Typically, the B-1 is used for individuals performing very limited business activities, such as business meetings, trade shows, conferences, etc. Both of Zach’s recent cases involved Capuchin Monks entering the United States in order to participate in voluntary service programs. We were able to meet the four key points in both cases, proving that the applicants were both members of recognized or nonprofit charitable organizations, that the programs benefitted the local community, that the programs furthered a charitable or religious cause, and lastly that the programs did not involve the solicitation of donations. Both cases were successfully approved for the full period of the religious program.

If you have questions on obtaining a B-1 visa for a religious worker, be sure to contact Berardi Immigration Law today!