Once again, Rosanna Berardi and Jennifer Behm of Berardi Immigration Law have been busy at the Peace Bridge presenting NAFTA petitions with our clients. Here is a summary of some of our latest success stories at the border:
TN status under NAFTA’s Zoologist designation for our client who was offered a job working with birds in Florida. The client called us with concerns about her qualifications under NAFTA. She possesses a bachelor’s degree, but it was not specifically in zoology. She did, however, have very specialized experience related to bird training, avian studies and conservation efforts. We prepared a very detailed TN application for our client and asserted that her bachelor’s degree together with her unique experience qualified her as a Zoologist under the Treaty. CBP agreed and granted her status for a three-year period.
Renewal of L-1A status for our Canadian client who is the CEO of an independent film production company. When he first contacted us in 2010, his L-1 petition was a “New Office” scenario. Based on the success of his Canadian operations, he was able to expand his business into the U.S. and obtain L-1 status for a one-year period. Over that year, the company became well-established in Los Angeles and continues to successfully operate in Toronto. We prepared a detailed petition outlining the company’s ongoing operations in Canada and the U.S. He was approved for a three-year period, bringing him up to the seven-year cap on L-1A status. We are currently discussing the possibility of filing an I-140 Green Card petition before his status expires.
TN status under NAFTA’s Computer Systems Analyst designation for our client who is employed with an international technology company. He is required to travel back and forth from Canada and the U.S. to visit his employer’s client sites. Our client studies their current computer systems and procedures, and then he designs information systems solutions to help the organization operate more efficiently and effectively. We successfully obtained his TN status for three years based on his diploma and three-plus years of industry experience.
Initial L-1A status for a manager employed with the same technology company mentioned above. This individual is responsible for managing a team of 20-plus computer professionals across the company’s offices in Canada and the U.S. Due to the frequency of his travel and his cross-border supervisory responsibilities, he easily qualified for L-1A status. We drafted a detailed petition describing his managerial role and qualifying employment in Canada. CBP granted his L-1A status for a three-year period.
Berardi Immigration Law prides itself on quickly and efficiently drafting successful NAFTA petitions. Our attorneys appear at the border several times each week to present these applications with our clients. Please contact us today to discuss NAFTA petitions and your qualifications for work authorization.