If you will be applying for an immigration benefit such as a petition for nonimmigrant worker, application to adjust status to a permanent resident or U.S. citizenship, your petition or application will be reviewed by an Adjudications Officer.

Adjudications Officers work from several large CIS service centers positioned in various geographic regions within the U.S. or at District Offices located in many large cities. Adjudications Officers review applications and make decisions regarding those requests based on their knowledge of immigration laws and practices. This includes reviewing and confirming the information contained in applications, conducting background checks, and interviewing applicants at the District Office level.
If an application or petition is not documented correctly and filed properly, it may be delayed or denied. If you are unsure as to how to prepare and package an application or petition or have already filed with a Service Center and had a “Request for Evidence” issued in connection with your case, Berardi Immigration Law can assist you. Call us at 877-721-6100.