On May 1, 2014, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) launched a new webpage that offers foreign visitors to the U.S. not only access to their most current I-94 arrival/departure record but also to their U.S. travel history going back five years from the request date. The I-94 card look-up and the travel history function can both be accessed at https://i94.cbp.dhs.gov/I94/request.html. A traveler will need the following information: His or her name as it appears in official travel documents, birth date, passport number and the country where the passport was issued. Clicking on the “Get Travel History” button will provide the following information:
CBP reports that a significant number of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests that they receive are related to travel history. If an individual uses this electronic process, they can cancel a pending FOIA request by clicking the “Request FOIA Cancellation” button.
If he or she is currently in the U.S., the traveler can also access their most recent I-94 card by clicking on the “Get Most Recent I-94” button. Here is what will be displayed:
Having access to their travel history benefits many individuals and is used for many purposes, including:
• Documenting time outside the country for the purpose of recouping time in H-1B or L status;
• Documenting employment in the United States was seasonal or intermittent, or was for an aggregate of six months or less per year, for L status holders; or
• Calculating physical presence in the U.S. for tax purposes.
For more information on access to I-94 travel records or other immigration-related issues, please contact Berardi Immigration Law today for a consultation!
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