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TN Management Consultant Case Summaries 06.04.2019

Jennifer Behm, Partner at Berardi Immigration Law, recently had two successful TN Management Consultant applications processed by Customs and Border Protection at the Peace Bridge port of entry located in Buffalo, New York. The TN Management Consultant application is one of the most highly scrutinized categories under NAFTA. Unlike other TN categories, this is the only category that allows for five years of related industry or consulting experience in lieu of possessing a Bachelor’s Degree.

The first case was for an applicant who was offered a consulting contract with an actual consulting company in the U.S. We were able to prove that the applicant would be entering the U.S. to perform work directly on behalf of the consulting company. The applicant was approved for a full three-year period. The second case was for a client who had his own consulting company in Canada and had an offer to work as an independent contractor for a U.S. company. The client was being brought in to advise the high-level managers and executives in order to provide strategies. The client was approved for the full two-year period requested.

If you are interested in learning more about the TN Management Consultant designation under NAFTA, be sure to contact Berardi Immigration Law to set up a consultation with one of our attorneys today!