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TN Scientific Technician Case Summary

On September 28, 2017, Gabriella Agostinelli, Associate Attorney here at Berardi Immigration Law, met with one of our clients in Fort Erie to prepare him for presenting his TN application to Customs and Border Protection under the Scientific Technician category. This TN category is different from the typical category, as in this role an applicant does not need to possess a bachelor or licenciatura degree. Rather, an applicant must be able to present evidence to establish that he or she has at least two years of training in a relevant educational program in one of the following scientific areas: agricultural sciences, astronomy, biology, chemistry, engineering, forestry, geology, geophysics, meteorology, or physics. Among other criteria, the applicant must also be able to present evidence to establish that he or she has theoretical knowledge in one of the above areas. For these reasons, Scientific Technician applications are often considered a challenge. Luckily, with Gabriella’s expert preparation and guidance, our client’s application was approved!