Overview & Job Duties

An individual applying for TN status as an engineer should have a U.S. job offer to work in one of the many engineering specialties (i.e., mechanical, chemical, civil, electrical, software, etc.). The regulations do not specifically list the job duties that are required for an individual to qualify under this category, so applicants should refer to the U.S. Department of Labors Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) for guidance. Keep in mind, each individual engineering specialty will have industry-specific job duties.


To qualify for TN status as an engineer, an applicant must possess one of the following:

  • Bachelors (Baccalaureate) or Licenciatura degree; or
  • A state or provincial license.

Please note: a qualifying degree must be in the same field or a closely related field. Adjudicating officers are instructed to use good judgment in determining whether a degree in an allied field is appropriate.

Common Issues

The regulations do not provide any guidance on the type of degree or majors that would qualify applicants under this occupational category. Engineers, however, may not fill computer-related jobs under TN classification unless they have credentials as computer or software engineers from institutions that recognize computer or software engineering as bona fide engineering specialties offering full engineering credentials, such as professional engineering licenses. Furthermore, the US positions to be filled must require this level of credentials.